How do Cartoons affect the Language of Children? This Blog will explain the effects of watching cartoons in different languages on Children. Language is an essential part of culture. Children start watching Cartoons at a young age. Language is the basis of part of culture.
Cartoons are a source of learning. The children get exposure to the world, including culture, tradition, and religion. Learning new things enhances creativity. The kids can become multilingual. Cartoons help children understand the family system. Their vocabulary increases.
Watching cartoons also smooths out the visuals, hearing, and brain. The receptors become strong enough to perceive new things. The qualitative content is valuable for mental and physical growth. The perspective on the negative content is different. The violent characters input negative energy into the children’s minds.
We sat in the kitchen and had breakfast with our family. Now, they sat physically with the family, but their focus remained on the Cartoons. I did not feel happy to see the children whose mothers gave them a slice of food. They were not too baby; they were school-going children.
Although they can eat their meal, they are busy while watching cartoons. The parents make them habitual of cartoons. They should not complain to their children that they did not give them attention to them.
Influence of Culture
Kids like to watch Hindi cartoons, and they are impressed by the characters. The famous characters are Hanuman and Shiva. The content varies. The moral or lesson-based content is good to learn. Meanwhile, the content of the violation is harmful to kids. They don’t know what the difference between good and bad things is, so they easily influence.
Urdu is our nation’s identity. But the kids are adopting the language of other cultures. Adaptation is a good thing; consequently, our national language is fading. The generation forgets the language, which is an integral part of culture.
By watching cartoons from an early age, they begin to adopt the characteristics of their favorite character. The violent characters are obviously not a good thing to bear. The surrounding environment shapes your personality.
How does a Cartoon affect the Language of Children? It is concluded that the things that we see play an essential role in our lives. Therefore, it is necessary to remain conscious of what you see. It is the responsibility of parents to look after their children when they see Cartoons. Content that is not too much violent and extreme base should be preferred. Cartoons with violent characters become their ideal. They decided to behave just like them.