How does the Caste System affect Society? This blog will explain the effects of the caste system on people. Basically, the caste system is set by birth and the label placed on that person. People spend their lives with that tag.
The caste system started in Vedic times. Now, this become the prevailing issue of society. There is no hold of babies to come which family and did not to another family. Indeed, this is the destiny of a baby, and which family will he come to or not? Additionally, the myth is that one is born in a higher cast because of good deeds, while the person with evil deeds is born in the lower cast.
The children with lower cast did not get the same right of education as the higher class. Furthermore, this is inequality. If they do not get an education, how will they get the opportunity to get a job? The kids with fresh minds become the victims of prejudice.
The environment of the workplace also gets infected with the poison of the caste system.
In several cases, the adults like each other, but when the matter of commitment comes, their families create an issue of cast. Thereby, the two persons at a time suffer the trauma of separation. Consequently, the people of the lower cast want to get married to the cast of the upper class, but who will think outside the box? Moreover, the people are ready to break the hearts of adults, but they are not willing to fulfill their desires. Before making any commitment, the people ask about their cast.
Once the girl of the lower cast becomes part of the upper class and after marriage, the cast truth comes out. Lastly, she got divorced because of the cast’s label. In short, this is how this stigma affects people’s lives.
Every person is respectable. Indeed, respect is a person’s right. They deserve dignity because of the label of humanity, and on this label, every label is useless.
Cast System: Part of Society
In the same vein, the caste system is human-made, just the culture of society. In my opinion, the cast system was invented to dominate others’ casts. Most importantly, the division of people and then putting it into one stigma is not a thing to be considered. On the other hand, people feel proud and consider the other cast as not being much more efficient than them.
How does the Caste System affect Society? This blog explains that the skills of every cast are a source of balance in Society. However, the social system is run by a combination of different members of Society. Henceforth, the one cast is an expert in making houses while the one sews the shoes. So, we are dependent on each other for our needs. Consequently, social animals live in Society and Society, and various kinds of people come. It’s our moral and ethical duty to respect every single man.