Reasons for the lack of dreams and their effects mainly depends on the environment and on the attitude of a person who wants to achieve dreams. Dreams are a part of life that gives you the purpose of life. Genius see dreams and do struggle to make them possible. In our society, parents see the dreams and when they did not fulfill them they force their young ones to accomplish them. Everyone cannot see their dreams. The exposure to life helps to know about various kinds of people and their works.
Role of Inspiration in Dreams
The social circle reflects your personality if they are ambitious they give you wings to fly. The one who is living life aimlessly cannot give the path of treasures. The dreams which we see at night but I am here talking about the dreams of life. Almost all students in their childhood thought about becoming teachers, Doctors, and Army men. It depends on the surrounding of them.
I get inspired by one of my teachers and decided to become Archaeological Conservationist. I tried my level best to create a path to pursue my Dream but I could not due to various reasons. The role of inspiration is the foundation of thoughts. I started column writing my relative get inspired she starts writing this is a live example of inspiration.
Importance of Dreams
Dreams give the routine, a route to spend life. It gives hope and faith to wake up to do something interesting.It keeps motivated and try to avoid pessimistic energy. If we achieve it, this become the source of satisfaction. I have seen many peoples who are spending their lives without knowing the direction.They did not have any targets to get and goals to achieve.
Life without Dreams
Life without dreams is like a person without a soul, without happiness, without pleasure. The routine of people who did not have dreams is the same.They wake up, eat, and sleep and even the years their lives are moving in a circle. They did not have something interesting to tell or to share their achievements.When you move towards your dreams your interaction with people increases.

Reasons for Dreamless life
No guideline from anyone who explains the professions and helps to recognize our abilities. We spend most of our life without knowing our passion. I have spent my life doing different kinds of stuff and now I reached my destination.I came to know about myself that writing gives me satisfaction. Almighty gives everyone a special skill but unfortunately, no one helps to recognize it, and if you came to know then you are lucky.
Dreamless life makes the person pessimistic as the famous saying the empty mind is the house of the devil. When we see the condition of well-educated people and they did not have jobs with handsome salaries it causes a lack of dreams.
The effects are not good and it is sad to tell the one who did not reach one place will not support others to reach their destination. An exception is a part of life. According to my point of view, life without vision leads to a clean book of life.
The life of a dreamer is not easy it’s full of difficulties, with negative gossip. The path is full of struggle, patience, and perseverance. It’s easy to see Dreams but it is not a piece of cake for every to eat. The one who achieves dreams or goes on that path fills the page of a diary of life daily. They are the people who have a story to tell. They either learn a lesson or create the success story of their lives. In short, they did not have regret in life.