How is Skill Polishing a source of enjoyment? Skill: this word contains a lot of hard work and experience. Before this word, one has to know about the work that brings shine into one’s eyes. Some people are gifted; they know the things that bring smiles to their faces.
The skill starts from the making of food to the serving of food. From the making to the sewing of clothes, if I come up, the skills are spread in every aspect of life. Society runs because of these skilled people. Once you know about your strength, no one can replace you.
It is easy to say they are teachers, but it is not like that. Scholars are filled with knowledge but are unable to convey their thoughts. The real art of teaching is going to the level of the student and then explaining in simple words. There are numerous teachers in institutes, while there are few real gurus.
Leadership qualities are indeed rare and precious. It’s not every day that we encounter individuals who can make decisions that profoundly impact the lives of others. The responsibility of leadership is not to be taken lightly. It’s a role that demands respect and often requires significant personal sacrifice, as people’s livelihoods often depend on it.
Leaders with character are a perfect combination. The feature of Humble makes them more attractive. They must have to possess some qualities.
- Confidence
- Independent
- Humble
- Flexible
- Communication skills
- Power of making decisions
- Composed Personalities
I did not have this skill. Sometimes, I could not read my writing. The people who have this talent are lucky ones. They depict their words neatly and cleanly. Getting high grades in class is easy for them. The trends of practicing neat writing are changing. We used to practice handwriting on pieces of wood (Takhti); now, notebooks are used.
Communication Skills
We hear this word a lot these days because of its importance. Patience is required to listen to others. People have a disorder of breaking the conversation due to their behavior. The more you listen, the more you know about another person. Then, it is easy to convey your point of view. Relationships of every kind are based on communication.
The skill gives unlimited confidence. For example, I have teaching skills, and I enjoy teaching. Similarly, people feel pleasure while working on their skills. We escape from the boundary of time and feel satisfaction. It also gives joy and peace of mind. The word “work” is excluded from their dictionary.
Skill polishing is a source of enjoyment in this life; we want to get more and more stuff to enjoy the luxuries of life. We usually prefer the source of income rather than our real power. I think everyone dared to pursue their dreams while working on their skills. The lucky ones are stuck on their skills and enjoy their lives. Skill is your asset, and no one can snatch it from you ever. Additionally, makeovers are also an art.