Change in language with time takes place. Language is a source of communication between humans. The number of languages in the world is spoken. In this Blog, I will discuss the language flip in Pakistan. The most precious language is the language of feeling. The languages no one speaks but understands what others want to say.
Language Conflicts in Childhood
In our childhood, we speak our native languages. Our grandparents feel pleasure to speak in their language but we prefer to speak in Urdu. The conflicts of languages start from here. The child when starts to speak in his cute voice he mixes the languages. This is just the start of this dilemma.
Language during Academic
In academic careers, we indulge students in learning languages. The teachers try to impose their vocabulary on them without thinking about their mental level. Some of them speak Urdu but most want to teach them the English language. The English language is the demand at this time. If we want to grow with the latest or modern world we have to move according to their conditions.
Criteria of Superiority
The one who speak English forms the image,they are well educated and we have to talk them with efficiently.We prefer the institute where English is taught and we feel proud when the children speak English in front of us. The funny thing is the children speak their native language at home and English or Urdu outside of the home.
Language of Heart
This is the most expensive language and everyone cannot understand it.There is no need for words in it. Sign language is also deficient of words. The person who can understand the language of heart, they have an ability of sympathy and empathy. If someone has these characteristics then they are special.
Changes in language with time create a confusing environment for children and youth. Every Country tries to progress in their national language but we feel proud to speak the language of another country. Every language has its glory.
The person who is facing a mixture of native language, national language, and English language it’s difficult for him to get a grip on all of them. The conclusion is the traveler of many boats cannot be reached in one place. If we would like to grow as a nation we should stick to our national language.
Informative blog 👍.
Keep it up 👍.