Change in the family system with time from combine to separate family happens. A family is a source of comfort and peace. There was a time when brothers live at one place along with family. The head was the elder of the family.They were know how to keep their family at one place and deal with problems. I lived in my childhood with a combined family and enjoyed the warmth of every family member.
Combine family
In combine family system mostly people spend their life in one room with family.They were beware of problems and their solution. My paternal uncle brings clothes for the whole family. He kept the fruits of our garden in front of the whole family. We cherish those moments. On Eid, we wait for him that when he will come home and we will get Eidi from him.
The charm of combined family
The females of my family divided their tasks and did with routine. I played with my cousins and go with them to school. It was a lot of fun and creates a memory of life. I feel satisfied to think about the combined family system. Now most of the elders pass away. But the precious time they give always remains a part of our memory.
Reasons for Change in a Family System
Patience level
The patience level is less in us. We would like to do our decision by ourselves. When loungers get strong they assumes that they are more powerful, and did need roots(relatives). The same case happens with us the word is changing from we to I.
The rate of inflation increases now, at that time things were not costly and easily manageable. This change creates selfish factors among families. At this time every member of the family has to do a job for a good lively hood. The time passed when one man earns and the whole family eats.
Change in living style
The peoples prefer to live alone with their own families. They made their home and every family member wants to live in a separate room. If every person minds their own business then they feel happy. In combine family system all the family members spend time with each other they did discussions. Now the concept of sitting with family is fading.
The trend of celebration is changed too. The small happiness was enjoyed by the whole family. We celebrate our happy moments with the online circle. The reasons for this change are trust issues or loss of confidence on our beloved ones. We lost confidence that should be on family members.
According to my thought Change in the family system with time is not satisfactory. There are advantages and disadvantages of separate and combine families. In a combine family, almost every family member supports each other. They help to grow them. The need of good communication is essential to build and maintain relationships.
The separate family as the name indicates, free of any link. They have freedom from every bond. If someone gets sick or needs help then came to know about the value of humans. We change the family system or it was need of hour but the emptiness becomes a part of life. Peoples need privacy but from whom?
Nice thoughts shared.