An unsatisfactory factor becoming the part of behavior unconsciously and if wants to deal with this attitude we should try to focus on blessings. Satisfaction is the term we use for the peace of mind and heart. Dissatisfaction is the opposite of satisfaction this word means the disturbance in the mind and heart. The anxiety that creates an interruption in one’s life. The numerous reasons are behind the word dissatisfaction.
Reasons for Unsatisfactory Behavior
More seems less
We have more facilities than our forefathers. We should be happy as we are living in the modern age. They worked with hands, we works with tools or equipment. Even we have robots, and these are slowly replacing humans. This process is unidirectional. Its effects are detrimental. We are living in our rooms but don’t know how to enjoy solitude.
How often do we say Thank you to the Almighty? This is the root cause of unhappiness. The more we get and the less we consider the blessings. The person having enough things is struggling to get more because of comparison with others. The luxuries of rich people attract poor/ mediocre people.
The more you understand about yourself the more you are satisfied. It’s not easy to remain in the state in which you can tell what your mind and heart want. I am surprised to know that the people did not know about their likes and dislikes. They easily disturb by small things and get angry with those who are not responsible for their disturbance of mood. To tackle with this behavior person should focus on worthy things.
The valuable question is this do we give enough time to ourselves to understand what’s going on in our inner self? According to my point of view, the lack of self-understanding is the key factor for unhappiness. If we did not understand the thoughts we feel frustrated.
Dissatisfaction is a negative term but becoming part of our behavior. It’s easy to blame others for your inconvenience. I discussed the reasons for it and now let’s focus on their solution. If we did not replace the negative term dissatisfaction then we should keep our social circle motivated.
Exactly Right 👍.