Social issues and their effects on social problems in society, but Social issues or social problems are the exact words that are used if more than one person gets affected. The word social we use for communities. Let me explain through an example: If only one person smokes, this is not an issue for the rest of society. If a group of people smoke and they are addicted to it, here the social issues start. When matters of society arise, the people suffer.
The Difference of Writing
Economists and socialists write according to their fields. The economist writes about social issues in terms of numbers or loss and gain. If we talk about socialists, they will write with society in mind. The economist talks objectively, while the socialist talks subjectively.
Kinds of Social Issues
The consequences of social issues are different. Some problems happen due to nature, while others arise from humans. The negative change in climate affects the whole world, but drug addiction is a social issue created by men, and the world is facing it.
Limit of Social Problems
There is no limit to social problems. These are simple to complex. These vary from place to place. The people try to tackle the social problems. These issues cause instability in the norms and values of society.
People who steal do not affect themselves, but the loss of wealth occurs. Society did not have such a person, and he felt unrest in his own life.
Matter of Respect
The one who creates social issues disgraces his self. The people did like the problem creators.
National Identity
The person who indulges in criminal activities affects the name of the country.
Mentally disturb
People get mentally unstable when they face social issues. Inflation is increasing day by day, and people feel stressed about fulfilling their needs.
Society’s instability leads to problems for the nation, which affects the country’s development. The nation waits for zest when it deals with difficulties; it deals with the issues quickly.
Currently, the well-educated youth who have yet to find their dream job here are moving abroad, which is not suitable for the country’s development.
Corona Virus
Viruses prevail in this world in different forms. Due to these Viruses, people suffer physically, psychologically, and financially. Financially, in this sense, if the only person in the family dies, the family faces a financial breakdown.
Social issues and their effects on social problems in society are diversified. Because these affect us mentally, physically, financially, and ethically, we can deal with them according to their nature. For example, in the case of a natural problem (Virus), we can do some remedies to protect ourselves from it.
However, in the case of the issues that humans create, we should understand the nature of the problem and then develop a strategy to overcome it. Here is an exception: we did not have control over some issues like unemployment, so we adjusted ourselves according to the problems.