The land of Grandparents causing an issues due to successors fight for the wealth. The land is considered an asset if we have possession of them. We feel financially secure if we have our piece of land. At this time due to the increase in day-by-day inflation, it’s not easy for mediocre persons to do saving.
Changes With Time
Circumstances change over time. Our ancestors were lucky as they have limited facilities but calm life. They did irrigation with their hands and enjoyed pure vegetables and fruits. They purchase lands at reasonable price which may be costly at their time. If we compared the price of the things of that time with this time, we can see the clear difference between them.
They lived in a combined family system but we are living in a separate family system. Therefore the houses are constructed and need of land increases. Because of inflation, it is tough to purchase new land to form a house. The peoples prefer to use the land of their parents or grandparents. Here the problem get starts.
The children’s fight to get maximum land to facilitate their families. The fights between brothers and sisters are increasing because of land. The family members once lived happily under one roof after getting married behave selfishly. They want to get more and more land from their parents.
I have seen in a society that sons keep their parents with them to snatch their property. They behave nicely to realize that they are more concerned about them than other children. They get part of the wealth from their other brothers and sisters to keep their parents with them. Ashamed, parents carry their young ones under one umbrella. But when they make their families, they fight for their parent’s wealth.
Blood Relations
The sisters are nice till they did not talk about their rights. If she wants to get the part from property she is not good. But now in-laws also demand the wealth of their daughter-in-law. Mostly relations are made based on wealth. The time has passed when peoples gave the priority to characters of a person.
Blood is not the priority in keeping the relations bound. Now the trend is changed. The brothers and sisters spend one part of life with each other. Due to assists of parents, they go faraway. Their children did not know about their paternal and maternal uncles or their cousins. The unsatisfactory nature loses the relations easily.
The Land of grandparents causes issues between relations and the transparency of relations is not pure. They keep their parents to get their wealth rather than to get their warmth. The charm of their experience and the tiredness on their faces which come during take care of offspring. These things are not easy to forget.
Parents understand the attentions of their children that they are not showing actual love but for the sake of getting their wealth. The rule of the universe is simple: if you treat well to your parents for wealth, the same thing you will face and realize how painful these feelings are. We are changed; we fight for the piece of land, we respect our parents for wealth, and do we remember we have to go with empty hands? Where are our morals?
Informative blog. 👌🏻