The maintenance of good Relationship between Time Management and Accountability is compulsory for the achievement of goals. The precious thing in life is time. We want to spend this with our beloved ones. Time gives memories of life. The memories make the chapters of the book life. The management of time means making it productive. The more you spend the time wisely the more you grow in life.
Time management
We manage the time when we have a lot of things to do in a limited time. The person who is living a simple life did not have any kind of issue with time management. Dreamers have to work hard. They have to face difficulties created due to work or created by others.
An Issue of Time Management
There are different kinds of people on this planet. Some people get panic about extra work while others handle the situation calmly. We spend most of our time without thinking and without doing fruitful things. The leaders can manage things easily they have a dare to stand in front of every tension. A to-do list is the most effective way to utilize time effectively but most of us did not have accountability.
Accountability is part of a character. This is connected with respect. A person of this quality is included in the category of respected persons. In our society, everyone would like to get a reward for good things. But when something out of the way happens, they try to throw blame on others. Time management is linked with accountability.
The wise or mature persons are beware with responsibility. According to my opinion, the life of irresponsible people is easy. This kind of person lives happily. Accountability makes the person active. The person with accountability has to manage things effectively within a limited period.
- An educated person has to find a job to become an independent person in his family.
- Father has to earn wages to fulfill the basic needs of the family.
- Housewives have to complete their tasks to keep family happy
- At every age, each person is doing their work to become a good person.
Relation of accountability with time management
The life of a responsible person runs with time. The people who move with time can achieve great things. These terms are connected due to their unique property. The property of accomplishment is the word that connects both of them. The responsibility snatches peace of mind if not move with time.
It this time we are facing the problem of time management. When someone asks for to gathering we give a simple excuse I did not have time. We have 24 hours some of us manage effectively and enjoy life. The waste of time creates a space for in the feeling of satisfaction.
The inner self explains our true achievement of the day/life. A responsible person who manages time effectively their confidence boosts. I have seen people who did not take responsibility for their acts and when something wrong happens they blame others. Time management is a skill that everybody did not have.