How is there an innocent inner child in everyone? An innocent inner child is present in everyone, but as we grow up, we forget about it. The memories leave an impression for a lifetime on a clean mind with a pure soul. Children are free to think what people think. Children do what they want to do, and there is no factor of overthinking in them.
We become mature
In the childhood period, we consider ourselves grown up now. Meanwhile, at that time, we did not know what maturity was. We are not aware that as we grow up, we have to control ourselves in every aspect of life. You have to measure things before doing them. Here are the points of thinking.
- Think before speaking
- Don’t laugh loudly
- If you are not OK, pretend to be OK.
- Wants to play, but you cannot.
- Wants to celebrate rain but can’t
- Would like to move to the streets, but that is not possible.
- Wants to talk with strangers but cannot
- Did not like the food, but have to say this is delicious.
- wants to eat snacks but cannot
- Everyone experiences different things, but the common thing among younger people or adults is that they hide their true feelings about the situation. You did not like the surroundings but stayed there. If you would like to purchase something, you think many times. You have to compromise on your likes and bear the things that you do not like.
Innocent children

The children did not think before doing anything. They wanted to laugh. They laughed. They wanted to cry. They cried. If they’re going to get something, they get it at any cost. They became persistent about their wishes. They did not like the things said on their faces. They felt uncomfortable when they showed it. They behaved purely. They did not pretend to do things. They ate the stuff as they would like to, contrary to all that we think while eating something.
We can keep alive our inner childish character

The environments are full of positive and negative energies, and it depends on us to whom we give value the most. Suppose we decide to cherish life with positive energy we can. It’s in our hands to live happily. As you grow up, the things that become part of us are what people think about us. Overthinking becomes a habit. Additionally, we quickly forget about the things that give us happiness.
Innocent inner child, with time, we take things very seriously. There is no need to think about the useless comments of people with narrow thinking. I think we did not prioritize our daily routine. The problem begins when you are overwhelmed by the talk of people. Everyone’s opinion about your life does not need to be given importance.