It is vital to discuss how social media contributes to increasing the number of divorces in society. Relationships are easy to make and more difficult to maintain. Marriage is one of the essential parts of life. Good and astonishing partners together make life comfortable. The negative term we hear about marriage is divorce. This blog explains the reasons for divorce and the connection of social media with divorce.
In this world, we listen in routine. This word was not considered suitable to speak or hear, but, unfortunately, this act is common. There is not one reason behind the various factors that combine to break relationships. The people who break these relations suffer mentally.
Social Media Connected with Divorce
Multiple applications are trending these days. According to Google search results, the divorce rate is 60 percent higher in Pakistan. Couples spend their time on social media rather than talking to each other. I called social media a fantasy world because we cut ourselves from our loved ones to connect with the imaginary world.
The basis of every relationship is understanding, and understanding builds a thorough, humble conversation. Both partners should give each other time to have a conversation. We are setting a trend of sitting with one person and keeping the mobile in hand. Using cell phones while sitting in front of other people is an insult to them.
According to a 2016 survey, social media is harmful to marriage. In 2014, a study showed that people who use social media in an unbalanced way become dissatisfied with their marriage and think about separation.
What’s app
Forty percent of divorces occurred in Italy due to the use of WhatsApp in 2014. This indicates that social media is detrimental to marriage. We use it without thinking about its side effects. Social media acts like a net because the whole world is under its umbrella or has side effects.
Grey Divorce
Divorce that takes place between the ages of 50 and 75 comes under this category.
Reasons of Divorce
- The lack of understanding between the couples
- No strict rules and regulations for divorce
- Financial independence of women
Divorce Rate Varies with Country
In a country with strict laws of marriage and divorce, the divorce rate is low. Western and Eastern countries have high rates of divorce compared to Latin America because living with a life partner is a part of their culture.
The financial factor is significant in the marriage. Women who are not financially independent become dependent on men for their needs. Some try to avoid the stigma of divorce and, therefore, struggle to prolong the unsatisfactory marriage.
Attraction of Social Media
People make videos to earn money, but viewers try to mimic them in their everyday lives. Additionally, there are differences between practical things and fake things. The people who seem happy on social media are not necessarily satisfied with their spouses.
How Social Media Plays Its Part in Increasing Divorces in a Society The increase in the divorce rate is a critical issue to discuss because social media has become a part of everyone’s life. How we use it effectively to get benefits from these applications depends on how we use it. We need to understand the value of relationships, which are crucial for the survival of a healthy life.
Social media should be used for fun, not to make fun of the relationships. The person in the surroundings means a lot. Consequently, you are not the one who is far away and did not support you in your tough time. Uncontrolled use of social media has become the reason for the dissolution of marriage, and this fact is undeniable.