Labours are also humans. When they work for the sake of money, people get extra work from them, which is not a good thing. They are uneducated, and this is the only option they have. Labours did not come by choice. They might have a low-income family background, so they did not get enough education to get a job.
Labours are also humans
Hard work is not wrong, but taking too much work from them that is beyond their capacity is not right. I have seen the laborers in my home and how difficult it is for them to work in a hot summer. I was sitting under the fan, but I felt sad for them.
They work for their family, who are sitting at home. This is how men’s lives are not simple. Females assume that their lives are tough, and males think they have a difficult life, but in actuality, both are trying to fulfill their duties at their levels. Understanding is important for both of them.

They started work in the morning, and then they took tea at 10 o’clock. Then they had lunch at 1 O’clock. But it depends upon the home where they are working. They can give meals early or late as well. Some did not provide lunch, so they brought their lunch from home in the morning and took it in the afternoon. Their lives are challenging.

However, jobs in every field are challenging because it is difficult to work under someone else’s command. But in their case, I feel pity for them. The families who sit under the roof and wait for the men to come to give them food or income should show a high level of respect for men. They deserve it in proper manners.
In our country, women often depend on men’s income, and men usually take on the responsibility. This imbalance in traditional gender roles is evident. However, in many other countries, both family members share tasks, whether at home or in jobs, leading to a more balanced and equal life. This is the kind of life we should strive for, where responsibilities are shared and equality is the norm.
Labors are also humans. When we get work from them, we should remember this term. The easy solution is we should keep ourselves on their behalf and then get work from them accordingly. We are blessed if we do our job while sitting under the fan in the hot summer and enjoying fresh meals. Treat them as you want to be treated. Money is just a game of luck or hard work, but the thing that matters the most is humanity. The best place to live is the heart of humans.