People want to be on a paved path to walk, run, or for every kind of ride. This attitude shows that they wish for smoothness in life. The people were moved comfortably on the unpaved path. Their clothes were filled with dust and still, they enjoyed a rough appearance. For them, real inner peace or inner self matters; therefore, they focus on the destination rather than the path.
The real dream achievers did not give excuses. They just focused on the goals they wanted to achieve. The demand for paved paths is no less than a comfort zone. The comfort zone is like the net or social media, which we do not want to leave. It gives peace, just like still water, but it is not good for personal growth.
Comfort Zone
In my opinion, smoothness is like no movement in life because when you struggle, you have to face ups and downs. The movement on stone miles helps to polish your true potential, and when you know your strength, you feel satisfied. The movement toward the destination allows for meeting new people and getting unique experiences.
I heard and was inspired by the saying, “Work hard in such a manner that luck says you have a right to this success.” This is how history is created. The one thing that means a lot is the support. On the unpaved path of life, family and friends provide support when you shake your confidence. The paved path did not need any courage to move because there was no huddle on this.
Path Creators
The path creators have already set the trend. Meanwhile, the unpaved path requires companionship to move along. The tricky thing is to make or set rules, in simple words, a trendsetter, which is breathtaking work. We usually remember those who do some great work in their lives otherwise, no matter how many people come and go in this world.
People want a paved path, which means they like a comfort zone where there is no growth. They like just the ups of life and want to avoid downs in life. But in reality, life is a mixture of ups and downs. Sometimes you enjoy happiness, but on the other hand, you feel sad. The wish for the paved path is good, but not necessarily what you get. So, be ready to face the unpaved path of life. The jerk in life gives you the motivation that you are doing something in your life.