Smoking becomes a habit while playing with cigarettes for fun. It was confined to men, but nowadays, young boys take cigarettes. It has various kinds.
Smoking as Fun
People take cigarettes because their way of smoking attracts others. The company matters a lot if one friend smokes in front of other friends; they say give it to me for taste. Then, this fun becomes a habit.
Like tea, smoking is a thing of addiction. Many people use more than one pack of it. They feel something missing in their life without doing it. Mainly, more than one friend uses one pack of cigarettes.
Reasons of Smoking
At the start, people take it for fun, then it becomes a habit, and habits turn into an addiction. The men smoke to wake up late at night. When males are stressed, they also smoke.
Side’s Effects
It is not only harmful to the one who did it but the person in range of the smoke is also affected. The main effect of it is that the respiratory system gets affected. The colors of teeth change to yellow. It causes hearing problems, diabetes, vision loss, respiratory infections, Heart disease, and osteoporosis.
According to Google search results, one cigarette per day carries approximately 40-50 percent risk of coronary heart disease. The body feels pleasure and energy due to the release of adrenaline, which is released by nicotine. Smoke contains nicotine, which reaches the brain in some seconds and releases adrenaline. The sad truth is that smokers do smoke to get rid of tension and anxiety, but in actuality, it enhances both factors.
Smokers play with their age because it cuts 10 years as compared to non-smokers. The miserable thing is that the one who did not smoke also got affected by the same means. The brand Marlboro is 500, the capstan is 220, and the Gold Flake is 220, and the minimum price of a smoking pack is 150, which is Tender. The reason for the mention of price is that people pay to purchase diseases daily. Every problem has its solution. If someone wants to wake up late at night, then he should keep the purpose of the job in mind.
If the person feels stressed, then discuss it with the close ones to get relief. Therefore, the wise person says to be careful about your friends, and this is how their behavior or nature is a reflection of your personality. Bad habits need to be understood, and it’s better to convert them into positive ones because habits become nature, and nature cannot be changed. Cigarettes become a habit that is not good for health and wealth. It gives temporary relief from pain, just like tea.