Most people think of peace as connected to wealth. Peace, in simple words, is no fight between mind and heart. Satisfaction leads to peace. Basically, there is a direct relationship between them. Wealth means money, assets, etc. Consequently, wealth is temporary.
People spend their lives gathering or making money. They bear the hardship of earning money for the family.
They try to purchase the happiness of loved ones with wealth. In conclusion, the thirst for wealth was not fulfilled.
In our society, people want to marry their daughters to a house that is paved and has a well-established bang lo. They get excited to see the building shine while the temporary functions wind up. They keep only certain things in mind, such as peace being associated with wealth.
People behave differently from show-offs. In other words, they behave like cheap skates. They keep wealth as assets and think before spending it.
The people in the combined family face these kinds of issues. The criteria of a relationship should be people’s behavior. The nature of the person matters more than wealth. Meanwhile, people give priority to money rather than the true nature of a person. I have seen two cases in which one girl married a person with a good building.
As a result, after marriage, she has to hear that we borrow money from others to make the house.
They give that building on rent, and she has to live in a village. However, she faces a difficult situation in her life because she looks good, but her inner self is weak. In another case, the girl is living in a village with a simple house. But the people with rich hearts, she is enjoying her life. These are two different situations where the proof of peace is not connected with wealth.
Currently, people respect those who are wealthy. The matter of respect is money. Years ago, the focus of respect was a person’s fundamental nature. With time, the standard of affection changes. Now, people look towards the bank balance and house before thinking about the commitment. They are wiser and more practical as well.
Before making any commitment, people considered the caste system. Now, if the caste does not match with them, that’s fine because of money. They connected wealth with peace, which is not worthy because a person has to live a life with a person, not with wealth. We can purchase things that give pleasure, but we can’t buy peace with wealth. Peace comes with a good relationship between people through excellent communication skills.