Parents often leave their children to make their own choices, which is the easiest way to deal with them, but it is not good for the relationship between parents and children. It is the parents’ responsibility to listen to their children and try to solve their issues. Children are innocent. They learn what you teach, and when they grow up, they reflect on whatever they have learned.
Moods of Children
We understand the nodes of parents as they look, but nowadays, children do not bother what their parents are saying. Most children behave stubbornly. I have seen a case in which parents give instructions to their children that don’t do this they ignore as they are not listening. They feel ashamed in front of guests.
An area of Improvement of Children’s
A parent leaves their children to their choices, which is not worth it. This is the crucial question: why do they behave like this? Where there is a need to change the attitude of parents or children. If parents ignore their children during their childhood, they should not expect good habits from them.
The parents, who did not know the reason for the children’s misconduct, tried to implement their consent. As a result, they misbehave with them. Parents when giving punishment to children, the gap between parents and children increases.
I asked the parents why their children were absent from the tuition. I got a reply that he did not want to come because of his mood. In another case, the mother’s compulsion on her daughter because she did not want to go to the tuition. This is an example of the attitude of two different mothers. In my opinion, both are not appropriate.
Reason for Inappropriate Attitude
In the first case, the mother left her daughter without knowing the reason why her daughter didn’t want to go to tuition. If she asks, she can quickly deal with that problem. But she didn’t ask about the reason and left her daughter to choose. In the second case, she didn’t ask about the issue of her daughter and why her daughter did not want to go there; instead, she asked if she had scolded her.
Faith of Parents
Children will learn with age, and when they face problems in their lives, they will better understand things. The main difference is the experience; parents want their children to be safe from mistakes, but children think they are restricted from doing the things of interest.
Parents leave their children to their own choices. The children and parents should interact so that both can easily convey their points of view. The children should understand that if their parents are saying something to them, they have an experience of life. Consequently, the parents should try to understand that their mental level is not as high as yours.