The artificial ego is a fact of society because people do their work to get the attention of their surroundings. Ego is a negative term because it is harmful to relationships. People usually mix self-respect with ego.
Self-respect is a right of every person, and it does not depend on age. Additionally, if you speak harshly to small children, he will not smile; however, you will see his serious face. Meanwhile, in the case of younger people, if someone does not care about their self-respect, they will avoid contact with them even though they will change their path during the interaction. Respect is a thing that no one can easily compromise on.
The relationship is the only weak point for the person for whom the relations matter the most. The person compromises his self-respect for the sake of long-term relations. But there is a limit. If you hurt a person again and again, they will show a stubborn attitude to protect his respect.
Let’s delve into the concept of ego. It’s all about the ‘I’. The more we ponder ‘why do I do this?’ and ‘Why me? ‘, the more we lose our ability to bend and blend with others. Ego often comes with a superiority complex, a need to tower over others. But this self-centered mindset can really throw a wrench in our relationships.
Every person has a different behavior and attitude. The arrogant person loses the ability to interact with society because of its inflexible nature. I have seen a family for whom ego is more important than blood relations. They are now alone because of their self-centered attitude.
Artificial ego
Artificial ego and fake ego are the same concepts. For peaceful living con, tact with people is compulsory. Their interaction gives you feelings of care and compassion. The word “we” refers to humans as they live in one place. Humans like it if someone shows closeness and feels comfortable.
The life of a self-centered person moves around. Why do I do this work? This is not for me; I am better than the next person. When you realize the persons that you are not comfortable with, they create distance from you. Everyone has self-respect, and no one consciously wants to get hurt.
The artificial ego is a disease of superiority complex in which a person loses his relationship with his hand. I use the word artificial because of its superficial character. It did not contain any value in the lives of a humble base society. Compromise is the middle ground for living with people. On ego and sometimes on self-respect, we only compromise to save our beloved relations. The more you ignore negative thoughts or gossip, the more calm and positive you will remain.